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11. WCCT: B – #3

Tému navrhla krajina: Slovensko
Rozhodcovské krajiny: Bielorusko, India, Holandsko, Severné Macedónsko, Švédsko
Náhradník: Švajčiarsko

Zámena matov v podvariantoch (t.j. variantoch v druhom ťahu čierneho) v riešení. Požadujú sa aspoň dva podvarianty so zámenou matov medzi aspoň dvomi variantmi začínajúcimi sa prvým ťahom čierneho. Hrozba môže byť jedným z týchto variantov po prvom ťahu bieleho.
Changed mates in sub-variations (variations on Black’s second move) in the solution. There must be at least two sub-variations with changed mates between at least two variations on Black’s first move. The threat may be one of those first-move variations.



Eeltje Visserman
The Problemist 1955 (v)
white Ka1 Qa8 Rg3c2 Ba5 Sg5c1 Ph7d6c5d5b4 black Kd4 Rh2 Bh1 Sf2 Pb5e5e3h3
1.Ba5-b6 ! zugzwang. 1...Bh1-g2 2.Qa8-a2 threat: 3.c5-c6 # 2...Sf2-d3 3.Sc1-e2 # {(thematic)} 2...Sf2-e4 3.Sg5-e6 # {(thematic)} 1...Rh2-g2 {(Sf3)} 2.Qa8-g8 threat: 3.c5-c6 # 2...Sf2-d3 3.Sc1-b3 # {(thematic)} 2...Sf2-e4 3.Sg5-f3 # {(thematic)} 1...Sf2-d1 {(Jg4)} 2.Rg3-g4 + 2...Bh1-e4 3.Sg5-f3 # 3.Sg5-e6 # 3.Rg4*e4 # 2...e5-e4 3.h7-h8=Q # 3.h7-h8=B # {Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.83 (1024 MB) / 1.218 s}
#3 (12+8)

Valentin Rudenko
II. cena
Fizkuľtura i sport-60 JT, Šachmaty v SSSR 1983-84
white Kg7 Qc4 Rg3 Sc8e6 Pc5g5h4d2f2 black Ke5 Be4 Sb8g8 Pa7f6g6f4d3
1.Se6-f8 ! threat: 2.Sc8-d6 threat: 3.Qc4*e4 # 2...Be4-a8 {(2...Se4~) } {a} 3.Sf8*g6 # {(thematic)} 2...Be4-d5 ! {b} 3.Qc4-c3 # {(thematic)} 2...Be4-f5 {c} 3.Sd6-f7 # {(thematic)} 1...f4-f3 2.Rg3-g4 threat: 3.Qc4*e4 # 2...Be4-a8 {(2...Se4~) } {a} 3.Qc4-e6 # {(thematic)} 2...Be4-d5 ! {b} 3.Qc4-f4 # 2...Be4-f5 ! {c} 3.Qc4-d4 # 1...Be4-a8 {(1...Se4~) } {a} 2.Sf8*g6 + {(NON-thematic)} 2...Ke5-f5 3.Sc8-d6 # 1...Be4-d5 ! {b} 2.Qc4-c3 + {(NON-thematic)} 2...Ke5-e4 3.Sc8-d6 # 2...Ke5-f5 3.Sc8-d6 # 1...Be4-f5 ! {c} 2.Rg3-e3 + {(NON-thematic)} 2...f4*e3 3.f2-f4 # 2...Bf5-e4 3.Qc4*e4 # {Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.83 (1024 MB) / 0.124 s}
#3 (10+9)
The same defences on B1 is not a part of required theme.

Milan Vukcevich
II. cena
Chess Life & Review 1985
white Ka8 Qb8 Rg6 Bh5f4 Sc8c3 Pc6e6e5f3g3 black Kf5 Rd8 Be8b4 Sg2 Pb7g7c4
1.Sc3-b5 ! threat: 2.Rg6-g5 + 2...Kf5*e6 3.Sb5-c7 # 1...Be8*c6 2.Sc8-d6 + {display-departure-file} 2...Rd8*d6 3.Qb8-f8 # {(thematic)} 2...Bb4*d6 3.Sb5-d4 # {(thematic)} 1...b7*c6 2.Sb5-d6 + {display-departure-file} 2...Rd8*d6 3.Sc8-e7 # {(thematic)} 2...Bb4*d6 3.Qb8-b1 # {(thematic)} 1...Rd8-d7 2.Qb8-d6 threat: 3.Rg6-g5 # 3.Sb5-d4 # 2...Rd7*d6 3.Sc8-e7 # {Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.83 (1024 MB) / 0.124 s}
#3 (12+8)

Michael Keller
Dieter Kutzborski
Phénix 1989
white Ka8 Qb1 Re4 Ba2a1 Sc5h3 Pa6g6g5h5 black Kf5 Rb3 Bd8c4 Sb2 Pc6e6b4g4g3
1.g6-g7 ! threat: 2.g7-g8=Q threat: 3.Qg8-h7 # 3.Qg8-g6 # 1...Bc4*a6 2.Re4-e2 + 2...Ba6-d3 {a} 3.Qb1-f1 # {(thematic)} 2...Rb3-d3 {b} 3.Ba2*e6 # {(thematic)} 2...Sb2-d3 3.Re2-e5 # 1...Rb3-a3 2.Re4-e3 + 2...Sb2-d3 3.Re3-e5 # 2...Bc4-d3 {a} 3.Ba2*e6 # {(thematic)} 2...Ra3-d3 {b} 3.Qb1-f1 # {(thematic)} {Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.83 (1024 MB) / 1.140 s}
#3 (11+10)
Exchange of mates and cyclic changes are also considered thematic.

Jean-Marc Loustau
I. cena
Phénix 1992
white Kh7 Qg7 Re7d4 Bf7h4 Sg8h1 Pg6 black Kf5 Qa3 Rg5e3 Bd6 Sg4 Pd5h5c4
1.Bh4-g3 ! threat: 2.Qg7-e5 + 2...Sg4*e5 3.Bf7-e6 # 3.Rd4-f4 # 2...Bd6*e5 {a} 3.Bf7-e6 # 2...Re3*e5 {b} 3.Rd4-f4 # 1...Qa3-c1 2.Bg3-e5 threat: 3.Bf7-e6 # 3.Rd4-f4 # 2...Re3*e5 {a} 3.Sh1-g3 # {(thematic)} 2...Bd6*e5 {b} 3.Bf7-e6 # {(thematic)} 1...Qa3-a6 2.Re7-e5 + 2...Re3*e5 {a} 3.Rd4-f4 # {(thematic)} 2...Bd6*e5 {b} 3.Sg8-e7 # {(thematic)} 1...Bd6*g3 2.Sh1*g3 + 2...Re3*g3 3.Bf7-e6 # 1...Re3*e7 2.Sg8*e7 + 2...Bd6*e7 3.Rd4-f4 # {Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.83 (1024 MB) / 0.249 s}
#3 (9+9)
The theme is shown in variations 1...Qa6 and 1...Qc1. The repetition of mates in threat does not matter.

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