Ôsma séria InSitu
Štyridsiaty šiesty turnaj InSitu
Štvrtý turnaj ôsmej série vyhral Eddy Van Beers pred Rolandom Ottom. Tretí David Hodge zahodil výhru v turnaji nesprávnym úvodníkom dvojťažky. John Nunn udržal vedenie v sérii. Prenasledujú ho Eddy Van Beers a Martynas Limontas.
Piaty InSitu turnaj ôsmej série sa bude konať 16.3.2024, prihlasovať sa môžete už dnes na adrese insitu@soks.sk.
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The eighth series of InSitu
Forty-sixth InSitu Tournament
Eddy Van Beers won the fourth tournament of the eighth series ahead of Roland Ott. Third David Hodge threw away the tournament win with an incorrect key of twomover. John Nunn maintained his lead in the series. He was followed by Eddy Van Beers and Martynas Limontas.
The fifth InSitu tournament of the eighth series will be held on 16.3.2024. You can register now on email address insitu@soks.sk.
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