Ôsma séria InSitu
Štyridsiaty piaty turnaj InSitu
Tretí turnaj ôsmej série ovládli veľmajstri. John Nunn ako jediný našiel obe riešenia šesťťahového pomocného matu. Trojica Eddy Van Beers, Martynas Limontas a Jonathan Mestel stratila 2,5 bodu. Aj v celkovom poradí vedie veľmajstrovské trio John Nunn, Martynas Limontas a Eddy Van Beers.
Štvrtý InSitu turnaj ôsmej série sa bude konať 24.2.2024, prihlasovať sa môžete už dnes na adrese insitu@soks.sk.
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The eighth series of InSitu
Forty-fifth InSitu Tournament
The third tournament of the eighth series was dominated by the grandmasters. John Nunn was the only one who found both solutions of the six-move helpmates. The trio of Eddy Van Beers, Martynas Limontas and Jonathan Mestel lost 2.5 points. The grandmaster trio of John Nunn, Martynas Limontas and Eddy Van Beers is also leading the overall standings.
The fourth InSitu tournament of the eighth series will be held on 24.2.2024. You can register now on email address insitu@soks.sk.
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