Deviata séria InSitu
Päťdesiaty tretí turnaj InSitu
Bronzový medailista z Jurmaly Nikos Sidiropoulos vyhral piaty turnaj deviatej série InSitu. Okrem neho boli stopercentní aj traja vedúci riešitelia deviatej série David Hodge, Lev Glanzspiegel a Eddy Van Beers. Piaty riešiteľ bez straty bodu bol Martynas Limontas.
Posledný InSitu turnaj deviatej série sa bude konať 26.10.2024, prihlasovať sa môžete už dnes na adrese
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The ninth series of InSitu
Fifty-third InSitu Tournament
The bronze medalist from Jurmala Nikos Sidiropoulos won the fifth tournament of the ninth InSitu series. In addition to him, the three leading solvers of the ninth series, David Hodge, Lev Glanzspiegel and Eddy Van Beers, were also one hundred percent. The fifth solver without losing a point was Martynas Limontas.
The last InSitu tournament of the ninth series will be held on 26.10.2024. You can register now on email address
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