Deviata séria InSitu
Päťdesiaty druhý turnaj InSitu
Britská dvojica John Nunn a David Hodge ovládla štvrtý turnaj deviatej série. Tretím na stupňoch víťazov bol Omer Friedland. O poradí rozhodla najťažšia skladba mat 4. ťahom. David Hodge sa ujal vedenia v sérii, Lev Glanzspiegel klesol na druhé miesto. Tretí ostal Eddy Van Beers.
Piaty InSitu turnaj deviatej série sa bude konať 21.9.2024, prihlasovať sa môžete už dnes na adrese
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The ninth series of InSitu
Fifty-second InSitu Tournament
The British duo of John Nunn and David Hodge dominated the fourth tournament of the ninth series. Omer Friedland was third on the podium. The standings were decided by the hardest problem – fourmover. David Hodge took the lead in the series, Lev Glanzspiegel dropped to second place. Eddy Van Beers remains third.
The fifth InSitu tournament of the ninth series will be held on 21.9.2024. You can register now on email address
Súťažné skladby | Riešenia | Výsledky kola 52 | In situ total |